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Vitaminfreshskin 天然護膚維生素

If you are like me, I have always been interested in the different ingredients as used in the natural skin care products and what specialty and benefits these ingredients provide. As the origin and source of these ingredients are quite widespread, let’s start our reading journey with vitamins first.

Vitamin A – best natural anti-aging ingredient used to reduce wrinkles, increase firmness and elasticity of skin. Vitamin A can be found in Rosehip oil, Argan oil and Avocado.

Vitamin B3 – increase skin moisture and improve texture of skin through nourishing. Vitamin B3 can be found in Sunflower oil and Jojoba oil.

Vitamin B5 – a natural hydrator to moisturize, soothe and heal skin. This vitamin can be found in Sunflower seeds, Avocado and Broccoli.

Vitamin C – contain antioxidant effect used to lighten and brighten skin complexion, provide a protective shield for skin. This vitamin can be found in Sea Buckthorn oil, Rosehip Oil.

Vitamin E – has anti-inflammatory effect that simulates healing process. restore elasticity. Vitamin E can be found in Argan Oil, Coconut Oil, Rosehip Oil.


維生素A - 最好的天然抗衰老成份,用於減少皺紋,增加皮膚的緊緻度和彈性。維生素A可以在玫瑰果油,摩洛哥堅果油及牛油果中找到。

維生素B3 - 增加皮膚水份及滋潤,改善皮膚。維生素B3可以在葵花籽油和荷荷芭油中找到。

維生素B5 - 一種天然保濕劑,可滋潤及對皮膚有舒緩作用。這種維生素可在向日葵種子,牛油果及西蘭花中找到。

維生素C - 含有抗氧化作用,用於提高膚色光澤及提供保護。這種維生素可在沙棘油及玫瑰果籽油中找到。

維生素E - 具有抗炎作用,促進癒合過程及恢復皮膚彈性。這維生素可在摩洛哥堅果油,椰子油及玟瑰果子油中找到。

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